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Open 7 days a week from 10am ● Call us on 09-445-6969
April Scooter Insider

April Scooter Insider

April update

Well, we had some great feedback on our inaugural issue of The Scooter Insider, so this month we bring you more rides, more groups, more tips and more exciting new products to get frothy over, all in a bite-sized skim-read format!

Reader's Ride
This month in a nod to rider safety, and acknowledgement that we are heading to cooler months so making it easier to rug-up in warm (and protective) clothing, Kurt is showing us all how it's done with his Dualtron Victor (note the trick little bar extension with extra light mount) and full riding gear including padded biker jacket, full-face helmet, gloves, and knee-pads. Please match your riding gear to your speed. Cycle helmets are rated for bicycle speeds. If you are going to test the top speed of your hyper scooter (not down the local high-street, please!), then go motorcycle full face helmet. No arguments!
This is Frederik’s minor cart adaption to allow his pooch to accompany him on rides on his Vsett 9+ (which also features some neat extra - is that a GPS I see?)! Apparently it just took the addition of a couple of washers to fit the attaching arm and a sturdier floor to make it canine-cool!
Riding group Shout-Out
Electric Mayhem in Christchurch are one of the most established riding groups in the country. Boasting 432 members on their facebook page, they cater for e-bikes, e-skateboards, and of course e-scooters! Their rides are posted on their facebook group page at this link below. There is a definite food-theme to their activities! Check them out on Facebook
Super-duper Riding Routes

This month’s riding route also comes courtesy of Kurt, and is the He Ara Kotahi in Palmy. A great-looking mixed-terrain ride, see the pic below to get frothing on it, and the link takes you to all the details you need to give it a go yourself. Check it out here.

Scooters In Focus

Surron Light Bee X

OK, we are stretching the definition of ‘Scooter’, but as the recently-appointed North-Auckland agent for Surron, we are super excited about these amazing machines. 3000w, 32ah Panasonic batteries, charges in 3 hrs, and charges up hills you can barely walk up! The Bee X is an extremely lightweight electric dirt bike, only 51kg, and about as much fun as its possible to have off-road! Retails for $7699, limited stock, so get in touch


Check out the Surron online here

Nami Burn-E Viper ‘Pure’


The ‘Pure’ in the name may as well be for ‘Pure Fun’, as that’s what this rollicking good ride really is! Reams of reviews have exhausted the superlatives, but suffice to say that this is a highly advanced scooter, built by a team of genuine enthusiasts in search of perfection. With the 72V system it kicks like a mule, and the engineering throughout is first rate. Handling, braking, and simple joyful riding are the order of the day, and currently priced at $4999 it represents excellent value for a market-leading product. 

Check out the Nami Pure here.

Safety Tips

Please, DO NOT gaze over your right shoulder at traffic behind you as you plan your right turn. Looking right has the effect of gently steering the scooter to the left. And what is to the left? The evil curb, of course! To check behind you, make a quick head-swivel to check all is clear, and one more just before your maneuver. Don’t hold your gaze behind you. Mirrors can help you monitor traffic behind, but even motorcycle training courses teach you to also do a look-check.
Your Scooter Society Needs YOU!

We are committed to building the scooter community in NZ, and we want YOU to send us your scooter pics, details of your riding groups, photos and descriptions of your favourite rides, and anything else scooter-related you think would be of interest to the wider community. We are all in this awesome scene together, and together we can help it grow. Just email Jonno our editor-in-chief at
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