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Open 7 days a week from 10am ● Call us on 09-445-6969
June Scooter Insider

June Scooter Insider

June update

We are delighted to bring you a further edition of The Scooter Insider. We are on quite a roll now, but not as big a roll as scootering in Aotearoa. It’s blowing up! The anticipated cool-off in interest in scootering with the cooler weather hasn’t materialised, and we are as busy now as we have ever been. But not too busy for another celebration of all that is great about scootering…

Reader's Ride

Is the weekly shop getting you down? Are you frustrated with the time it takes to get from the cornflakes to the deli section? Simply add a handy basket and convert your ride into the ultimate shopping trolley! Eliminate the fear of theft and save vital minutes with this innovative idea!

Riding group Shout-Out

It’s Wellington’s turn this month, with a shout out to Electric Rollers, a multi-code PEV riding group hailing from our capital city. Looks like an active wee group, with a Friday evening ride lined up for June 3rd, and another for Saturday morning. They are definitely a keen bunch!


Follow this link to their Facebook page and join in the fun

Super-duper Riding Routes

This month we highlight a North Shore favourite for Aucklanders, the Te Ara Tahuna, or Ōrewa Estuary Path. A short 7.6km (you may want to do it in each direction to make up a bigger distance), the surface is mint, and the views are spectacular. Parking at the start and cafes nearby for a finishing-up ice-cream and coffee. It’s a shared path, so not for the hooners, but a nice easy ride for a Sunday arvo with the family or some mates. Check it out here.

Scooter In Focus

Hero X10

Here’s a sneaky peek at the all-new Hero X10. This project has been the best part of a year in development. We have an early dealer-demo on its way to us, and we in conjunction with Hero Scooters are keen to receive rider feedback which will go into refining the final product. Your chance to have an input into scooter design. Massive suspension travel, adjustable shocks, over 4000w peak power, and signature LED’s, this is looking epic, and final versions should be available for summer.

Safety Tips

Despite putting in writing on our invoices that riders should check their bolts and fastenings for tightness frequently, we still see scooters come to us in a shocking state of looseness and sloppiness, sometimes with bolts missing altogether! Scooters are generally well bolted together, but over rougher ground a fair amount of vibration occurs, and regular riders can find important fastenings coming loose. If you have concerns about your scooter we are happy to do a quick visual inspection for free (or send us a video if you are out of town), but 2 minutes with an allen key tool now and then will take care of most issues. Please take time to check on the safety of your ride, and make sure it is still set up as the factory intended.

Your Scooter Society Needs YOU!

Please send us pictures of your scooters, details of your riding groups, routes you like to ride, and your thoughts and feelings on scooters in general. We are all in this community together, so the more the merrier. Email to

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